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Warning Signs Your Car Has Transmission Issues

The transmission in your car manages the power that reaches your wheels by adjusting the gear ratios between the engine and the drive wheels. A problem with it can easily cost thousands of dollars with replacements priced at upwards of $3,000.

If you encounter any of the following warning signs, you need to bring your vehicle in for repair at Toyota of Jackson, MS. Doing this as soon as possible can prevent minor issues from becoming major hassles that cost you plenty of money.

Unusual Sounds

If you’ve driven your vehicle for a while, you’re used to all the sounds it makes from the rush of speed when you step on the accelerator to the solid thud of a door closing. If you hear a sound that you’ve never heard of before, it may indicate transmission trouble.

You shouldn’t be hearing any noises when your car is in a neutral gear. Clanking, knocking, whining, or whining may simply mean that you’re running low on transmission fluid or using the wrong one. The easy fix is either filling up the fluid reservoir or buying a new brand.

Unfortunately, noises from the engine can also mean a component or your entire transmission requires replacing.

Unusual Smells

You’re used to all kinds of smells in your car, particularly if you have kids. Maybe you have air freshener, the kids leave their jackets for cold days, or maybe a piece of fruit has fallen in the back seat.

But if you notice an unusual smell beyond those, the one to be most concerned about is burning. If your transmission fluid degrades or disappears due to a leak, it may overheat and burn. Your engine starts running hot as well, which may wear it down prematurely or destroy it.

Slipping Gears

Slipping gears can show up in many forms: your vehicle won’t go into reverse, it’s difficult to change gears, or your gears unexpectedly shift as you’re driving. Not only can this indicate a problem with the transmission, but it can make driving unsafe because your vehicle is no longer predictable and reliable.

If any of these symptoms happen, you don’t want to risk an accident by continuing on your way. It’s best to pull over to a safe area and get a tow to our service department. You may simply have low or burned-out transmission fluid. Or you may have worn-out gears, solenoid issues, or broken transmission bands. All of these problems can be addressed by our factory-certified automotive techs.

The Check Engine Light Comes On

The Check Engine light comes on for a variety of reasons. Maybe your gas cap is broken or missing, which allows fuel vapors to enter the air. There may be a problem with the engine, the catalytic converter, or the transmission.
If the light is flashing rather than just steady, your vehicle is suffering from an urgent issue that demands attention right away. Take your vehicle to our service department right away. Only a mechanic can figure out why that light is on.

Leaking Fluid

If you see a red to dark liquid on your garage floor or driveway that smells either sweet or burnt, then transmission fluid is leaking. You can confirm this diagnosis by driving your car for a few minutes to warm up the engine. You can then check the transmission dipstick to see if the fluid is marked at the correct level. If you don’t know where this dipstick is located, check the owner’s manual or give our techs a call.

You can temporarily fix the problem by filling the reservoir with transmission fluid. However, eventually, you’ll need to have one of our techs determine the source of the leak and fix it.

Dragging Clutch

This is only a problem if you have a manual transmission. Stepping on the clutch pedal does not disengage the clutch disk from the flywheel of your car. The clutch continues to spin making it unable to transfer power from the engine to the drive train. You discover that you can’t change gear and may hear a grinding noise.

Contact Us

If you’re experiencing these issues or something else, give our Service Department a call. We may be able to tell you what’s wrong or, more likely, we’ll ask you to bring your vehicle down to Toyota of Jackson for an inspection.